Time to say good bye…

Seven weeks and three days I have lived with the puppies. I’ve seen them arriving in this world, I slept in the same room, fed them at night. Later, when the tiny, blind and helpless creatures transformed into proper little dogs I’ve fed them at night, let them out into the garden early in the morning. (Hey, I mean really really early. 5 a.m. give and take half an hour was the usual start of the day.)

Raising puppies is not a one-man job. And these were eleven very lively puppies. There were enthusiasts supporting and backing me. All the daily work with the puppies would not have been possible without them. And I mean the daily work. Feeding is not work. Feeding is fun. But you know, whatever creature you feed, you will have to remove the droppings afterwards. And that was a litter of eleven (!) puppies. Eleven puppies which ingested more and more each day. Number and size of the piles increased dramatically.

My beloved wife and my children were on my side. As soon as she was allowed to touch the puppies, my little daughter was around them whenever possible. She helped with the superdog training (you remember the puppynauts, don’t you?!?), cared for and (positively) stressed the dogs. The boys joined her frequently. Karlsson and Kari were the puppies adopted by them for ‘as long as they are with us’. And whenever advice and support was needed, Ole and Dorthe were available from afar, by phone, chat, video… And, for the previous four days in person.

They are all gone now. My wife, my dog, my friends, all puppies… (Well, my kids stayed here ;-)) Them all have travelled to Denmark to prepare for the pick-up of the puppies by the new owners. Late Saturday and Sunday the puppies were tested for their reaction in various situations. In combination with our observations it was then decided how to pair puppies and future puppy owners.

Life… is calm now. It is so different from the overwhelming hush and rush of life bustling around whether one wants it or not. There have been eleven of them. Even if eight were sleeping, three were fighting with each other or with the interior of the puppy room. It’s great (and it was absolutely time for it) to have some time for oneself now, to breath and relax, not to be running for feed, removing droppings or whatever. Nevertheless, it’s a big void now. Now that they are gone…

The empty puppy playground
The last puppy-poo hidden in the grass (and I really had to search for it as the idea for this photo came to my mind when I had cleared the playground of all the droppings…)
Removal complete
Ready for transport
A wonderful present from my employees to help me overcome the vast missing of all them little creatures

The end.
The end? No!
A series of portraits of each of the puppies shot on Monday (7 weeks and two days of age) will follow soon.

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What is going on there?
Grandpa has come for a visit!
But hey, we are hungry!
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Making of: Sleeping puppies

It is not so easy to get a puppy to sleep.

It takes a lot…

… of feed (Borka) …
… even more feed (Pippi) …
… and still more feed! (Is Mattis still feeding or has he already fallen asleep?!?)
An attempt of individual feeding (not repeated so far)
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Borka invites into the garden

Borka is small (still), and the garden is huge. But brave as he is, he’s set his mind to show you around in the garden. See his siblings and other creatures…

To the right, you see Pippi asleep.

They all are mostly asleep…

Puppy No 12
Unauthorized non-canine use of canine toys
Yet more sleep
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Portrait 11 – Kari

Kari came somewhat as a surprise. After nine hours of labour and 10 puppies, it all looked like the flood has ebbed away. Time for some well deserved rest for Fluffy and the owner… Just to be awakened an hour later by the well-known sound of Fluffy’s tongue licking away the embryonic membrane of yet another puppy…

That’s the end of this mini-series featuring each of the puppies. Now you know their names, soon you’ll learn more about their developments and adventures…

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Portrait 10 – Borka

Only green grass, that’s what you thought. But look closely! There he is hiding: Borka. Named after the leader of the anden bande af røvere in Astrid Lindgren’s book Ronja Røverdatter.

In the early days going into the garden, Borka loved to be away from the others, hiding in the tall grass (tall from the point of view of a four week labrador puppy, that is). And dreaming.

And amongst all this busy dreaming, remains from early superdog training can be seen: relaxing on his back, sleeping and dreaming. Am I repeating myself? Well, those were the days of sunshine, sleep and dreams…

In the meantime he has grown (as they do daily!), and loves to pick a fight every now and then. I am sure you will find photos of him over the course of the next weeks…

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Life has become busy again. Puppies conquer the house. They have successfully managed not to be restricted to the litter box anymore. Soon their room won’t be enough for them.

As soon as the weather allows they’ll go out into the garden again. More photos will follow. All readers of this blog will continue to watch the developments closely.

Until then, pay some attention to Fluffy.

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Portrait 09 – Ida

Ida is one of the favourite girls. She looked so cute but has developed into a well-growing puppy, always keen on feed (hey, it’s a Labrador Retriever, what do you expect?!?), and full of self-confidence.

She’s the one starting to play and explore.

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Portrait 07 – Lotta

In a familiy of eleven, there are always some that are ‘just there’.

Lotta has been such a puppy for more than three weeks. She was there, never caused trouble. Born ‘somewhen in the middle’.

It was only after we had realised that we’ve never really paid attention to her that we discovered her personality (should I say ‘dogality?).

Lotta is brave. And loud! She doesn’t hesitate to let the others know when her full tummy aches…

Reliable is another suitable descriptor for her.

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